Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Shooting guns in the Wash

Brent got a new hand gun and wanted to try it out, so we went to the wash to shoot. It was hot, but we had a good time....uh well, until we got stuck in the sand. Thanks Uncle Tom for pulling us out!

Chris, Brent, Chad & Ron showing off their guns.

Even Brooke got in on the fun. Sorry, I thought I got some pictures of Brooke shooting, but guess I didn't.


Goodmangang said...

Oh the hours I have spent in that same spot shooting guns. And climbing hills in my truck and quads.


Colton and Ashley said...

What a bunch of tough guys!

Farris said...

You guys look like a bunch of gang bangers. How fun. So I guess Brooke gave in and let Brent get his gun?!

Alexa Mae said...

nicole's right...gang bangers but not so scary looking. you shouldve brought chellis. he just bought a new one while we were up in eagar. looks like fun!!